Benton County Radio Control Club
BCRCC members share a strong interest in all-things RC. While flying typical remote controlled, propeller driven airplanes (electric or fuel) may be the most common activity, many club members also enjoy flying electric ducted fan (EDF) jet aircraft, RC helicopters and multi-rotor aircraft, both line-of-sight and first-person view (FPV), gliders of all types (including powered), and running radio controlled boats, cars, and trucks.
Visitors are always welcome to stop by and watch. Don’t be afraid to say hello to pilots on the field and ask any questions you might have about RC flying. Club members will be happy to talk with you between flights and provide information that hopefully will stir your curiosity and get you thinking about learning to fly too.
Flight instruction from experienced club members is available to help new pilots to take their first BCRCC pilot-assisted flight. So if you are interested in trying your hand at flying, don’t hesitate to ask about it at the field or send us a message with your request using the form on the “Fight Instruction” page on our website.
Club Membership
Full BCRCC membership dues are currently $50 per year. Pilots who are already members of another AMA sanctioned club can join for $10 per year (does not include club voting privileges). Dues apply to a calendar year and should be renewed each January. Dues paid after January are prorated through the year. If you are interested in becoming a member, please use the “Contact Us” page to provide your name, email address, phone number, and your AMA membership number. You can send a check for club dues to BCRCC, P.O. Box 773, Albany, OR 97321. A copy of the club bylaws is available to members upon request.
Club Flight Rules
Section 1 - Compliance with the Academy of Model Aeronautics Safety Code is the responsibility of ALL members when operating model aircraft at any flying site.
Section 2 - Each transmitter must display a frequency I.D., except for spread spectrum transmitters.
Section 3 - Any flight over the flight line, pit area, spectator area, or parking areas is prohibited.
Section 4 - Operation of radio transmitters controlling model aircraft while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited.
Section 5 - Appropriate mufflers are required on all model aircraft engines operated at the official club flying site to reduce the noise levels below a point that will not jeopardize the continued use of the flying site. Specific noise levels may be enforced by Fun Fly contest directors if approved by a majority vote of members present at a meeting.
Section 6 - Violations of these articles are to be brought before the membership at the next meeting or session. Appropriate action will be decided by a majority vote of the members present.